Monday, March 10, 2014

White and Bright Sunroom

Spring is truly around the corner! It is 60 degrees here in Northern Virginia!
Time to spiff-up the Sunroom. 
We don't use this room in the winter, so it needed some cleaning and brightening.

I hung creamy muslin all around the three exterior walls.

This chandelier will be hung in here, haven't decided where.

Old windows are such nice frames.

A ring of keys hangs on the daybed.

Perfect spot for my second cup of coffee in the morning.

Hope you are doing remarkably well.
Blessings, Audrey

I'll be joining:


Pat said...

I love, LOVE, L O V E your sunroom, dear friend!!!
I would claim that corner with the chair for my second cup of morning coffee with devotional and meditation, reading the mail, cup 'o tea in the afternoon,magazine browsing. . .well. . .you get the idea!!!
We, too, have had an incredible pre~Spring day here on the Prairie!!!
Like your Sunroom. . .so~o~o refreshing!!!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh my, I love your sunroom, it is absolutely gorgeous. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

Our Hopeful Home said...

So pretty, Audrey! Must be nice to be getting ready for spring. We're still not out of the winter woods yet here in the Midwest, but there's always hope, right? I have always wanted a sunporch. Who knows, maybe with our next house I might get one!xoKathleen

Abby said...

What a great sunny room. very pretty!

Jenny's Heart said...

So inviting and calming, lovely!

Angie @ Knick of Time said...

Such a pretty sunroom, Audrey! Thanks for sharing it at Knick of Time Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

How cozy! I can imagine myself taking a nap here on a warm summer day!

Abby said...

Such a pretty room! I really love the curtains!

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

What a nice soft comfy sun room you've created. Love the chandi too! Perfect place to cozy up with a favorite drink and browse a magazine or read a book!

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